KGK Dragon’s Reviews:
Lord of the Rings: Conquest, Pandemic Studios and Electronic Arts’ movie-based adventure RPG of 2009, narrated by Hugo Weaving. Bring forth your best Warriors, Archers, Scouts, and Mages to fight in a form of Middle-earth where The Ring of Power was never destroyed. Following the events from the live-action trilogy, fight in many battles seen in the films including new battles following. Beware, for players can unlock an “evil” campaign, serving under Nazgûl and bring Middle-earth to its knees in the name of Sauron. See multiple familiar places as depicted in the books and films such as the Deepening Wall, Isengard, Chamber of Mazarbul, Osgiliath, Uruk-hai and more.

Explore over 7 total hours of gameplay for both the “Good and Bad” campaigns and discover countless hours of competitive PvP in multiple different online game modes such as Team Deathmatch, Capture the Ring, Conquest, and Hero Team Deathmatch. Players will find familiar UI, controls, and game mechanics of EA’s previous Battlefront titles based upon the world of Star Wars, adding to a new take on combat. Returning characters include the heroes as seen in the movies and depicted in books. Frodo, Legolas, Balin, Aragorn, and Gandalf are only a few names amongst the 24 Hero/Villain roster.
It should be noted that the servers for Lord of the Rings: Conquest online multiplayer have long since shut down in the year of March 2010, only just over a year after the game’s launch. Although, exactly five months post shutdown, players banded together to launch a non-profit CNQReboot to allow people playing the PC servers to play online once more. European servers in the UK and Germany can still play the game through a VPN.

Summary: The fighting Adventure RPG of Lord of the RIngs: Conquest scratches an itch desired by die-hard fans of the series, drawing from its predecessor Battlefront games bringing to life the world of Middle-earth. With hours of gameplay and familiar settings, both long-term fans of Battlefront and Lord of the Rings can enjoy a taste of nostalgia with this 2009 release.
Multiple Classes to choose from
A new take on an alternate world of the beloved Lord of the Rings series
A large lineup and selection of Heroes and Villains to choose from
A surviving and still active player base
The only way to experience the online multiplayer is with the use of a VPN and PC
Consoles have stopped their online server support
The game can become quite repetitive
Mixed reviews in the story mode and not received well