The sixteenth instalment to the renowned and beloved Rainbow Six Franchise developed by Ubisoft Montreal, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege brings about another competitive tactical FPS title to the competitive gaming scene. Competitive 5v5 multiplayer skirmishes, seasonal events, ranked play, the returning game mode “terrorist hunt” with co-op capabilities and even more locations to attack or defend.
Game Modes & Environment
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow SIx Siege has had multiple game modes during its runtime with around 30 being the total amount that Siege has seen and only 4 being base game modes. Bomb, Secure area, Terrorist hunt, and Hostage, yet, only Bomb remains as the sole ranked game mode, leaving the others only playable through custom matches or casual matchmaking. While 30 game modes seems like plenty, most are only playable or have been only playable through seasonal events. Many game modes have only ever made an appearance once, such as the “outbreak” game mode which essentially brought a zombie mode to Rainbow six, but had only been the precedent to the “Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction” title, a game which followed the same concept.
The environment to Rainbow Six Siege follows multiple locations across the globe, bringing about a new operator(s) every season along with lore through the use of cinematic videos. Operators from many tier 1 special operations groups from across the globe are present within Rainbow Six Siege’s lineup of playable characters. These include members of the Renowned American Navy SEALs, Russian Spetsnaz, and even the French GIGN Counter terrorism unit. Among the many maps within Rainbow Six Siege, there are multiple locations in which players may find themselves attacking or defending. A service area in the rural territory of Australia, a snow-covered Chalet in Eastern France, even the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The gameplay for Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is smooth, with excellent gunplay, but questionable hitscan during its runtime with some hiccups remaining to this day. Although, it should be noted the level of creativity used in developing and designing the concept of special operator gadgets and abilities. From what has been shown by the many players of Rainbow Six Siege, they can be even more creative using said abilities when it comes to creating strategies and methods to offence or defence.
Each operator is given a set of weapons, equipment, and unique gadgets to choose from. SMGs, carbines, shotguns, marksman rifles, and assault rifles are among the selection with two or three primary weapons available to each operator during selection, each one having their own impact on the vast environmental destruction present when playing Rainbow Six Siege. Many floors and walls can be destroyed by explosives, gadgets, heavy calibre weapons, or simply punching a hole in the wall.
Visuals & Graphics
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege runs off of Ubisoft’s Anvil 2.0 game engine. Other Ubisoft titles, including For Honor, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, and both Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Origins. The graphics are clear and clean, offering clarity and reliability when in an intense skirmish. After its release, Rainbow Six Siege has collected a multitude of cosmetic items for weapons, clothing, and headgear. As of now, there resides over 1,000 cosmetic items in Rainbow Six Siege, including Elite sets and weapon skins.
Players can customise their operators’ headgear, uniforms, weapons skins, and even add attachments to each and every weapon the player feels best comfortable with.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege stands out as a masterclass in tactical gameplay, offering a unique blend of strategy and teamwork. The emphasis on environmental destruction and the diverse roster of operators create a dynamic experience that rewards both skill and communication. With a thriving community and continuous updates, the game evolves, ensuring that each match feels fresh and intense. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to tactical shooters, Rainbow Six Siege delivers a gripping experience that challenges players to think critically and work together, solidifying its place as a staple in the genre.
Competitive and immersive gameplay
Diverse selection of playable operators
Heavily active community even after nearly 10 years post launch
Continuous support from Ubisoft
Heavy learning curve
Finding cooperative teammates when matchmaking as a solo player
Intimidating amount of microtransactions
While active, the community for Rainbow Six Siege is notoriously labelled as “toxic”